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The Young Are Our Future


Shiloh values the significance of edifying our youth from biblical standpoints and planting healthy roots in their character.  We allow our young people to grow in the gifts God has given them and we help them to continually discover the path God has paved for them individually.


Our youth programs are geared toward exercising responsibility, thinking skills, cooperation, etiquette, boldness, and the importance of fellowship. We also provide honest and judgment-free discussions about topics relating to faith, financial management, sexuality, peer pressure, career pathways, struggles and mental and physical wellness. The Youth Group meets on Friday nights for Bible study and fellowship. Our youth also participate in Christmas and Easter Programs, along with special events throughout the year.


Shiloh’s Youth Ministry is a personal, interactive and fun group that is a home away from home for many. We are assured our young people will be and are world-changing ambassadors for Christ because we believe they are capable.





Shiloh Assembly Mentorship Program


The purpose of our mentorship program is to work with our young people to help them build and develop new skills, their confidence and self-esteem, as well as helping them grow in their faith.  Additionally, this program will assist in building stronger and deeper relationships between a mentor and a mentee.   



Program Objectives

  • To help young people understand and be able to defend the faith;

  • To cultivate the confidence and importance of the young people;

  • To create trust with the young people;

  • To create an atmosphere of love, teamwork and accountability; and

  • To establish an environment the young people identify with and are proud of.





Shiloh Assembly Victory Group


Victory Group (Junior & Senior) is a pre-teen and teen group that was created back in 2007. We saw there was a need to have our young people involved in other activities in addition to regular church activities. 


The mission and goal is to give our young people a fun and exciting way to learn about God.  Some of our activities include group discussions about God and church, world events, school, friends, home and so much more.  Other activities will include games, sports, field trips, etc.



Program Objectives

  • To help our young people develop and maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ;

  • To teach our young people how to be responsible and practice accountability;

  • To help our young people learn about having healthy relationships with each other by showing respect, love, compassion and kindness;

  • To teach our young people how to share the word and love of Christ with their peers;

  • To teach our young people how to be positive role models;

  • To teach our young people the importance of being born again;

  • To teach our young people the importance of being involved in church; and 

  • To teach our young people that doing the things of God can be fun and exciting.


All of our programs are open to all young people in our community.  For more information, please email: 



"But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven". Matthew 19:14 KJV





Shiloh Assembly Apostolic Church was established in Regina in 1976.  


Our purpose is to be God’s representatives in presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the city so that the will of God can be fulfilled.


1600 Broadway Avenue

Regina, SK S4P 1E2





Phone:  (306) 757-5202


Fax: (306) 757-5201

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service times 



Christian Education

Adult - 10:00 am

Children - 11:45 am


Family Worship Service

11:00 am




Bible Study - 7:30 pm (via Zoom)


THURSDAY (Every Other)


Prayer & Fasting - 10:00 am - 2:00 pm




Youth Group - 7:30 pm (ages 14+)


Bible Study - 7:30 pm (via Zoom)


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